Sikorski JM, Hampson WG, Staddon GE.
The natural history and aetiology of deep vein thrombosis after total hip
J Bone Joint Surg Br 1981 Aug;63-B(2):171-7

A study of the natural history and aetiology of deep vein thrombosis in 499
patients after total hip replacement is presented. Deep vein thrombosis was
diagnosed by scanning the leg for 125Iodine-labelled fibrinogen for a period of
14 to 18 days and by ascending phlebography. It has been shown that deep vein
thrombosis occurs ater than in patients who have undergone abdominal operations,
and the risk period is longer. The peak of onset of thrombosis is on the fourth
day after the hip replacement. Attempts at prophylaxis using subcutaneous heparin
or intermittent pneumatic compression of the calves delay the appearance of
thrombosis. Analysis of possible aetiology factors shows that the age of the
patient, the degenerative disease of the hip, the surgical approach, and
under-transfusion of blood, all have a significant effect on the incidence of