Hartman JT, Pugh JL, Smith RD, Robertson WW Jr, Yost RP, Janssen HF.
Cyclic sequential compression of the lower limb in prevention of deep venous
J Bone Joint Surg Am 1982 Sep;64(7):1059-62

Patients undergoing operations on the hip for either replacement or fracture were
chosen for this study. Fifty-two subjects received cyclic sequential compression
as well as elevation of the lower limb while another fifty-two patients were
treated with only elevation of the lower limb. No other method of prophylaxis for
deep venous thrombosis was employed during the study period. Support stockings
were used after removal of the compression device. Doppler ultrasound,
phleborheography, and, when possible, radioiodinated fibrinogen scanning were
used for identification and location of thrombi. A deep-vein thrombosis developed
in ten patients (19 per cent) in the control group and in only one patient (2 per
cent) in the group that was treated with compression. This difference is
statistically significant (p less than 0.05).