Black PM, Crowell RM, Abbott WM.
External pneumatic calf compression reduces deep venous thrombosis in patients
with ruptured intracranial aneurysms.
Neurosurgery 1986 Jan;18(1):25-8

We evaluated the ability of intermittent external pneumatic calf compression to
prevent deep venous thrombosis after subarachnoid hemorrhage from ruptured
intracranial aneurysms. Fifty-six subarachnoid hemorrhage patients not given
external pneumatic calf compression were compared with 90 patients who had calf
compression after their subarachnoid hemorrhages. Both groups of patients were on
strict bedrest for 7 to 21 days after aneurysm rupture, and both received
epsilon-aminocaproic acid, 30 to 36 g/day intravenously, until operation. The
risk factors in the two groups were similar, and the nursing and medical care did
not seem to differ. Of patients without external pneumatic compression, 18% had
venographically proven deep venous thrombi, which contrasts with 6% of patients
receiving calf compression. This was a significant difference (P less than 0.05;
chi 2). These retrospective data suggest that external pneumatic calf compression
helps to prevent deep venous thrombosis in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage
when delayed operation, bedrest, and antifibrinolytic agents are used.