Hu R.
Prophylaxis of deep-vein thrombosis in total hip surgery.
Can J Surg 1989 May;32(3):207-9

Department of Surgery, University of Alberta, Edmonton.

Thromboembolism is a common and serious complication of total hip replacement.
Methods of prophylaxis include combinations of physical compression of the legs and
anticoagulation. Results of treatment are difficult to document and quantitate. The
authors reviewed 122 patients who underwent hip arthroplasty with intermittent
pneumatic calf compression, intravenous administration of dextran and platelet
inhibitors. In 20% of them, clinically suspected pulmonary embolism was confirmed
by ventilation perfusion lung scanning. The true incidence of pulmonary embolism
is probably greater than this and it appears that the prophylactic regimen used
in this study does not confer any benefit.