Titon JP, Barsotti J, Gaisne E, Vaillant L.
[A survey of the French speaking Association of Lymphology on the use of
pressotherapy in France during the treatment of lymphedema]
[Article in French]
J Mal Vasc 1990;15(3):270-6     weiter zur Übersetzten Vollversion

Departement de Lymphologie, CHU Trousseau, Tours.

116 physicians out of the 1000 who were questioned use pressure-therapy in the
treatment of lymphedema of the extremities. Another 170 are interested in the
technique and await this report before possibly adopting it. Overall, the devices
utilized are compartmented and use discontinued pressure that is asynchronous in
relations to heart beat; each session lasts 30 minutes, on average, with
compression and resting phases lasting 45 seconds and 15 seconds, respectively.
The usual schedule is one session daily, three days per week, in two series
clustered within a single year. Although manual drainage of lymphatics is
combined with pressure-therapy in 71.55% of the times, only 43.47% of physicians
use elastic support following the treatment. Results are good or very good in
64.4% of cases, and the incidence of post-therapeutic events is rather low
(polyuria, pain recrudescence of lymphangitis, etc.). Aside from lymphedema,
venous insufficiency, hypodermitis and leg ulcers may also benefit from