Bihari I, Meleg M.
[Conservative management of lymphedema of the limbs]
[Article in Hungarian]
Orv Hetil 1991 Aug 4;132(31):1705-8     weiter zur Übersetzten Vollversion

I. Sebeszeti Klinika, Orvostovabbkepzo Egyetem, Budapest.

Etiology and stadium of 63 lymphoedema patients are shown. The method of
lymph-drainage therapy is discussed. Important part of this treatment is bandaging.
Lymphamat pump (Bosl) was successfully used as a part of the therapy. According to
the good experiences it seems to be adviceable to use this method for treatment of
limb lymphoedema. This method was successful in diuretics, Venoruton, Doxium and
Lymph-compress resistant cases.