Merli GJ, Crabbe S, Doyle L, Ditunno JF, Herbision GJ.
Mechanical plus pharmacological prophylaxis for deep vein thrombosis in acute
spinal cord injury.
Paraplegia 1992 Aug;30(8):558-62

Department of Medicine, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. 19107.

This pilot study assessed the effectiveness of external pneumatic compression (EPC)
with gradient elastic stockings (GES) and low dose heparin (LDH) in the prevention
of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in acute spinal cord injured (SCI) patients in the
first 14 days following injury. Twenty-one consecutive patients within 48 hrs of
injury with acute C2 through T12 motor complete or nonfunctional motor incomplete
spinal cord lesions were enrolled. 125 I fibrinogen scanning was performed daily.
A positive scan was confirmed by venography. Thrombosis was demonstrated in 1/19
patients. A control group from a previous study confirmed thrombosis in 6/17
patients (p = 0.04). Comparison of extent of thrombosis demonstrated a reduction
in the treated group (p = 0.02). This pilot study demonstrates that EPC with GES
plus LDH may be an effective prophylactic regimen in these patients.