Ramesh M, Morrissey B, Healy JB, Roy-Choudhury S, Macey AC.
Effectiveness of the A-V impulse hand pump.
J Bone Joint Surg Br 1999 Mar;81(2):229-33

Sligo General Hospital, Ireland.

Acute swelling of the hand is a common problem after trauma or surgery and is
associated with both pain and loss of function. We describe a prospective study of
47 patients in which we assessed the effects of a pneumatic compression device (A-V
impulse hand pump) on the swollen hand. The pump reduced swelling by increasing the
velocity of venous return as demonstrated by Duplex scanning of the median cubital
vein. Continuous use of the pump for 48 hours gave a reduction of 78.6% in swelling
of the injured hand compared with the opposite, uninjured side. Even when used
intermittently, with the pump on for 12 hours out of 24, a statistically
significant effect was seen. There was a subjective reduction in pain and an
objective improvement in function of the hand. Use of the pump resulted in a
nearly normal hand by the time of discharge from hospital after, on average, 48