Alpagut U, Dayioglu E.

Importance and advantages of intermittent external pneumatic compression therapy in venous stasis ulceration.
Angiology. 2005 Jan-Feb;56(1):19-23.

Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Istanbul Medical Faculty of Istanbul University, Turkey.

Venous ulcers are seen following postthrombophlebitic syndrome with venous insufficiency and can begin as a result of minor trauma. In this retrospective study the authors examined the value of external intermittent pneumatic compression therapy in chronic venous ulcers. Results in 1,250 patients with postthrombophlebitic syndromes, 235 of these patients with leg ulcers, revealed that this modality of therapy shortens the therapy duration, lowers the total therapy cost, and hastens the return to active life in comparison to the classical therapy with compression stockings and antiaggregant or low-dose oral anticoagulant therapy. In the light of their findings they propose the wider use of this adjuvant therapy.